Monday, October 19, 2009

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000149 EndHTML:0000004687 StartFragment:0000000199 EndFragment:0000004653 StartSelection:0000000199 EndSelection:0000004653 Malcolm Cash and I had a good flight from SFO. When we were flying into Cambodia it is amazing that most of the land along the flight path was totally flooded as a result of the recent typhoon. Even in Phnom Penh there are some areas of the city that are flooded including the streets and into houses.

We went to Bill and Akemi’s house (they run the day care center) and had dinner with them and their 9 kids. After dinner we had a meeting and Akemi shared her vision for TransformAsia, she is quite a visionary! We focused down to two projects that we have funding promised for. We will remodel the Phnom Penh church and video studio upstairs at our office building so that we can continue to grow our church. We need to knock down the walls to double the sanctuary size and hope to start doing more than one service on Sunday. We will video the preaching and send the DVDs out to the churches in the villages. Our local pastors will do their normal service and then the preaching will be done by Setan and Bill via a DVD player and a $150 TV. We see this as a way to help our pastors be exposed to quality preaching methods and their churches to solid preaching as well. Our vision is to grow a large dynamic church in Phnom Penh that will continue to grow as the young people move in from the country side to find education and jobs in the capital city.

We will remodel the downstairs area of the office where we park the cars now and build a store and coffee shop as well as a training facility for young girls to give them skills to keep them out of prostitution and expose them to Christianity. There is a similar facility in Siem Reap that is very successful.

The preschool daycare is wildly successful with over 60 kids now attending. The present facility will accommodate around 40. We are looking for a new building already. Our initial financial projection was too high and as a result our funding will last almost twice as long as we anticipated. Many of the mothers of the children that live on the dump pile are coming to the center to help and it is apparent that we need to start a church at the daycare for the families who live at the dump and surrounding area. People seem to be open to the gospel as a result of what they see happening at the daycare.

Tomorrow Setan, Malcolm and I hit the road on a 7 or more hour drive to An Long Veng. The new road that was just completed this year was washed out and we will have to go around the washout. Hopefully that will not slow us down too much. We have a missions team that will arrive at the orphanage tomorrow to do some repairs and painting after having spent the last few days painting at the Trade school in Battambang. I wanted to be there to meet them and thank them for their work and wonderful servants attitudes.

Next day we go on to the farm where we will attempt to determine the feasibility of digging a water supply canal that will bring adequate water to the surrounding farms and see what type of equipment will be needed to do the job. A big rice farmer in Singapore wants to help fund this project. We have an evangelism project going in this area feeding the children and hope to establish a church here.

The following day we move on the Kampong Chhnang to the TransformAsia University site where we will make the final site placement for the first building and attempt to solve our water issues. We will return to Phnom Penh by Saturday and hope to begin meeting with the first of three different contractors and get bids on the project. It is a neat story how God has provided Teri Flynn to be our architect and she has come up with an exciting design for the first two phases of this project. We are hoping to begin construction in the next 4 months.

After Malcolm leaves in a week I will return to the countryside and make the loop around Ton Le Sap lake again visiting all of our sites. This time I will take a photographer and a translator. We will attempt to document all of the women and children that we support so that we can begin our sponsorship program in earnest. We already have more sponsors than children because of the difficulties we have experienced getting the information on the kids to our web developer. Please pray for clarity and solving the computer and software issues that have plagued us.

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog. Definitely a good idea. Looks like I'm the first to post, ever.

    A few thoughts:

    Fix the title and first 3 lines of this post. You've gotta preview and edit the posts. Rookie mistake. =P

    A profile with some more info would be nice.

    A link to transform asia's website is an absolute MUST! A few other vital links of other ministries that you are associated with would be good too. Make it more of a destination to visit the blog.

    Keep up the good work Pops!
